As part of the Cooperation Agreement between the Belgian federal authority and its Regions, a joint economic mission will take place in Senegal from May 21 to 25, 2023.
This mission is organized by the Belgian Foreign Trade Agency in close collaboration with the regional foreign trade authorities (the Walloon Export and Foreign Investment Agency, hub.brussels and Flanders Investment & Trade) and Foreign Affairs .
This will be a multisectoral mission that will highlight the following key sectors in particular:
Port and intermodal logistics
Pharma and biotech
Creative industries
The Economic and Commercial Advisor on site will organize a program of individual meetings with potential partners, according to the wishes of each participating company. Alongside these b2b meetings, official meetings, company visits, sectoral seminars, as well as a signing ceremony and networking receptions will be on the program.
For more information on this mission (registration methods, financial aid, etc.), we invite you to contact us.
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