The EU-China Business Association, the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China and Business Europe are delighted to invite you to the launch of the ‘European Business in China – Position Paper 2020/2021’. The webinar will take place online on 6 October 2020 at 10.00 am CEST.
As the flagship publication of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, the Position Paper is comprised of the views from more than 30 industry-specific working groups representing European business in China, detailing the numerous structural challenges that remain in the China market and providing constructive recommendations to both the Chinese and European authorities alike. Its executive summary also provides a wider analysis and commentary on business and political relations and their intertwining.
According to the position paper, many of these structural challenges are related to the emergence of China’s ‘one economy, two systems’ model. One half of the economy is increasingly fair, well- regulated, and welcoming to foreign investment; the other, state-driven, half sees China still nursing its national champions and overindulging its state-owned enterprises at the expense of the private sector. This indicates a gulf in the understanding of the concept of ‘openness’ between the EU and China.
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