The Anchor Group warmly welcomes Green Oak Properties & Investments (GOAKPI) to its growing network of specialised companies.
GOAKPI is an ideal Business Partner in Real Estate and Special Investments in Belgium.
Its Real Estate department offers high end brokerage services and property hunting.
Its Special Investments department proposes turnkey solutions to his customers ranging from company brokerage, brand expansion, franchising, start-up financing, real estate funds to several other special projects (like wine yards, golf courses, artworks. hospitality, restaurants,.. .)
And if you are looking to get your Belgian or European residency, Green Oak is the one stop shop.
The team is made from 6 professionals with complementary skills relying on several specialized business partners in Belgium and abroad.
For more information, please contact the :
Ethel Drion
+32 476 24 80 91
Company Brokerage and Special Investments
Pascale Borremans
+32 496 54 33 33
Real Estate Practice Lead, Hunting Services
Justin Devries
+32 478 58 67 16
Real Estate Brokerage
Michel Bogaerts
+32 494 53 76 16
Financial Services and special investments
Luc Verschaffel
+32 473 40 47 30
Sales coordinator and special investments
Frederik Leloup
+32 475 56 22 79
Special investments
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